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Life Coach Seattle

LIFE COACH SEATTLE Voted One of the Top Three Hypnotherapists in Seattle Kelly Granite Enck is a Certified and Licensed Hypnotherapist   and Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy™ (RRT) Practitioner.    TESTIMONIALS Kelly is offering Rapid Resolution Therapy Sessions with Life Coaching via Zoom.  Often in a Single RRT Therapy Session, you can clear, resolve, and transform lifelong issues with lasting results.    About Your Life Coach:  A life coaching Zoom session with Kelly Granite Enck, B.A. Certified Hypnotherapist CHt, is an uplifting and transformative experience. Kelly's extensive training in various modalities such as Clinical Hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) allows her to tailor her sessions to meet the unique needs and goals of her clients. Whether you are seeking personal growth, overcoming limiting belief