Rapid Resolution Therapy Reviews

Rapid Resolution Therapy Reviews

Top Rated Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck is offering Rapid Resolution Therapy Sessions via Zoom!


What is Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT)?

If you have been stuck and unable to successfully change your feelings, thoughts, or behaviors, you are likely being affected by experiences from your past. When fueled by the ongoing influence of past events, emotional problems, troubling thoughts, destructive behaviors, and relationship difficulties can seem impossible to overcome. Attempting to bring about enduring change without eliminating these “ghosts from the past” is like trying to repair the structure of a building by applying a coat of paint. The human mind relates and responds to stories. With Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) a new neural pathway is built through visual imagery, storytelling, and metaphors. Unlike traditional cognitive therapy, which only targets the cognitive brain, RRT instead addresses the emotional brain and limbic system. Therefore, RRT treatment is not emotionally painful as clients do not re-experience or expose themselves to their fears as they address the root causes of their issues.

Hypnosis for ED

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) is a form of Hypnotherapy designed to clear and transform underlying causes of Anxiety: Stress, Procrastination, Obsessive Worrying, Panic Attacks, Fear and Phobias, Fear of Rejection, Fear of Being Alone, Social Phobias, Depression, Guilt, Over Eating, Bad Habits, Drinking too much, Insomnia, School Issues, Test Anxiety, Relationship Issues, Boredom, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Eating Disorders, Obesity, Anorexia, Bulimia, Sports Anxiety, Fear of Flying, Fear of Driving, Trichotillomania, Sexual Trauma, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). By clearing the root cause my clients can heal and transform into their natural state of joy.

The Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Session was designed with methods that have been proven to work!

What to Expect: Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) is a short-term treatment. Most individuals require only 1 to 3 sessions for lasting results. Often in a single session Rapid Resolution Therapy session you can clear, transform, and resolve lifelong issues with lasting results. I have worked with clients as young as 6 and as old as 92, with great success! The first session is 2 hours long, followed, if needed, by a 90-minute session to tweak the new changes!

Rapid Resolution Therapy for Children

After years of helping my clients with their challenges in life, I have developed an intuitive ability that aids me in pinpointing the exact area that is causing the conditions. Once my clients dissolve their triggers the unwanted condition goes away. It is a riveting experience with lots of Ah-ha moments that leave my clients feeling in full control over their lives.

During the Rapid Resolution Therapy Session, my clients will learn how to stop their “Ruminating Thoughts” on command. Seventy percent of all ruminating thoughts are ‘negative self-talk’ and the thoughts that are not negative often turn negative when we engage with them. The greatest experience one can have is to be in full control of their mind. When you are in your head listening to ‘negative self-talk’ you are not present in life, but suffering. The suffering ends in just one Rapid Resolution Therapy Session in most cases. When your brain stops talking to you obsessively, you will feel happier, calmer, and better able to accomplish your goals!

Rapid Resolution Therapy for Teenagers

Theta brain waves are the waves used in Hypnosis, the same waves of Master Olympic Level Meditators. During my Hypnotherapy Sessions, I teach my clients how to have a Master Level Brain, one beyond the reptilian brain that identifies with one's thoughts. Thoughts create emotion, feeling, and physical sensation, which cause the illusion of separation and threat. My Silent Brain Training (SBT) is a 21-day training, during which your brain becomes a Master Olympic Level Brain, which takes monks years to obtain! It is a one-time session to learn my technique and included in your Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Session!

RRT Therapy near me

Your eyes will be closed during your Rapid Resolution Therapy  Hypnotherapy sessions, so it will not matter whether you are in my office or on a Hypnotherapy Zoom session, because the results will be the same, Transforming and Lasting! The key to resolving your issue is your comfort level during the session. You may want to wear comfortable clothing and allow time for your session to run over without being worried about time constraints. I have an impeccable track record for helping my clients accomplish their goals. They call me the Brain Whisperer.

Once my clients have resolved their reason for seeing me, they may find new goals to accomplish. I encourage my clients to build on their success and sign up for a follow-up session when working on a new exciting challenge. My follow-up session goal is to tweak the progress you have made in training your brain to be quiet from ruminating thoughts; And you will learn new techniques, that will help you with your goals and challenges! Each hypnotherapy session empowers the next, as my clients learn to relax more and quiet their brains, which instills their natural confidence.

Kelly Granite Enck Hypnotherapist, B.A., CHt. is a California State University, Northridge graduate, and she is a Licensed and Certified Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner. Kelly trained with Dr. Jon Connelly, the founder of Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), the cutting-edge Hypnotherapy for Rapid Results. Kelly has also trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization, and Reprocessing (EMDR), and she is certified in Advanced Regression Hypnosis (NGH). Depending on her client’s goal, Kelly may use one or all of the above modalities in her Hypnotherapy Sessions.

Book Your Rapid Resolution Therapy Session with Kelly directly on her calendar, using the secure "Book Now" button on her website: www.DoylestownHypnosis.com

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