Jack Dorsey's Health Habits!


Hi Friends! Jack Dorsey is one of my role models. by Kelly Granite Enck, Hypnotherapist at www.DoylestownHypnosis.com

Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and Square (now Block), is well-known for his strict health and motivational habits, many of which reflect his disciplined approach to life and work. He has often shared details about his lifestyle, which emphasizes mindfulness, physical well-being, and personal growth. Here is a list of some of his key habits:

1. Intermittent Fasting

  • Eating One Meal a Day (OMAD): Dorsey has mentioned that he practices intermittent fasting by eating only one meal a day during weekdays. His meal usually consists of a high-protein and high-fat combination, often including fish, chicken, and vegetables. On weekends, he allows himself a more relaxed approach and occasionally eats more than one meal.

2. Daily Meditation

  • Vipassana Meditation: Dorsey practices Vipassana, a form of silent meditation, for an hour in the morning and another hour in the evening. He has spoken about attending 10-day silent meditation retreats, where participants abstain from speaking, reading, or using any technology. He attributes meditation to his ability to stay calm under pressure and maintain clarity in decision-making.

3. Cold Exposure (Ice Baths and Cold Showers)

  • Dorsey is an advocate of cold exposure as part of his daily routine. He regularly takes ice baths or cold showers in the mornings to reduce inflammation, increase alertness, and boost his mental toughness.

4. Walking as a Form of Exercise and Reflection

  • Daily Walks: Dorsey walks several miles to work each day. This habit serves both as a form of physical exercise and a time for mental reflection. Walking helps him process thoughts, make decisions, and maintain a sense of balance in his busy life.

5. Sleep Optimization

  • Quality Sleep: Dorsey prioritizes getting enough sleep each night, usually aiming for 7-8 hours. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a regular sleep schedule, as it enhances productivity and mental sharpness. To optimize his sleep, he reportedly uses a sauna before bed to help him relax and wind down.

6. Heat Exposure (Saunas)

  • Evening Sauna Sessions: Dorsey regularly uses a sauna in the evenings, sometimes for up to 15 minutes. He claims that this practice helps him relax after a long day and prepares him for quality sleep. Heat exposure is also believed to offer health benefits like improving cardiovascular function and detoxification.

7. Morning Routine

  • Structured Start to the Day: Dorsey’s morning routine is disciplined and consistent. It typically includes meditation, exercise (such as a walk or a session in the gym), and a cold exposure activity like an ice bath or cold shower. He has credited this routine with helping him start his day with a clear mind and physical vitality.

8. Biohacking and Self-Optimization

  • Dorsey has experimented with various biohacking techniques, such as fasting, cold and heat exposure, and meditation, to enhance his performance and well-being. He is constantly exploring new ways to optimize his body and mind for greater productivity and focus.

9. Focus on Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

  • Dorsey is a strong advocate of mental well-being and uses meditation and mindfulness to stay emotionally grounded. He has emphasized that his meditation practice allows him to separate himself from negative thoughts or emotions, thus enabling him to remain calm and focused, even in high-pressure situations.

10. Minimalist Approach

  • Minimalism in Work and Life: Dorsey follows a minimalist approach to both his work and personal life. He tries to reduce distractions by focusing only on the essentials. For example, he often wears the same type of clothing (usually a simple black T-shirt) to minimize decision fatigue and streamline his daily routine.

11. Block Scheduling

  • Dorsey is a fan of block scheduling, which means dividing the day into chunks of time dedicated to specific tasks. This helps him stay focused and productive. He is known for his detailed weekly schedules that cover everything from meetings to personal growth activities.

12. Journaling

  • Dorsey has mentioned the importance of self-reflection, and journaling is a tool he uses for this purpose. Writing down thoughts, goals, and challenges allows him to keep track of his personal and professional development while also providing a mental outlet for stress or concerns.

13. Digital Detox

  • Dorsey occasionally goes on digital detoxes, during which he refrains from using technology to recharge mentally. He has taken time away from social media and other tech-related distractions to focus on mindfulness, nature, and personal growth.

14. Stoicism

  • Dorsey is influenced by Stoic philosophy, which teaches self-control, resilience, and rational thinking in the face of adversity. This philosophy helps him remain calm and objective in business and life, focusing on what he can control and accepting what he cannot.

15. Non-Drinker

  • Jack Dorsey has mentioned that he avoids alcohol because he feels it clutters his mind. This is consistent with his overall focus on maintaining mental clarity, which is a key part of his disciplined lifestyle. Dorsey believes that avoiding substances like alcohol helps him stay focused, clear-headed, and productive. 

In summary, Jack Dorsey’s health and motivational habits are rooted in mindfulness, personal discipline, and biohacking. His routines emphasize both physical and mental well-being, allowing him to stay focused, calm, and productive in high-pressure environments.

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