Friday, December 8, 2023

Virtual Hypnotherapy Session - Kelly Granite Enck

Top Rated Hypnotherapist Online Kelly Granite Enck

Virtual Hypnotherapy Session - Kelly Granite

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) is an innovative approach to therapy designed to help individuals overcome a wide range of psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and more. The therapy is based on the idea that the root cause of most psychological issues is the unconscious mind, and that by accessing and resolving these unconscious issues, individuals can experience rapid and lasting change.

Kelly Granite is a highly experienced and top-rated hypnotherapist who offers RRT sessions remotely via Zoom. She has helped countless individuals overcome a wide range of psychological issues, and has a reputation for being one of the most effective and compassionate therapists in the field.

During a typical RRT session with Kelly, you can expect to experience a safe and supportive environment where you can explore and resolve the underlying causes of your psychological issues. The session will begin with a brief consultation to discuss your specific needs and goals, followed by a guided hypnosis session where you will be helped to access your unconscious mind and resolve any underlying issues.

One of the key benefits of RRT is that it is a highly accessible form of therapy, and can be done remotely via Zoom. This means that you can receive the benefits of RRT from the comfort of your own home, without the need for in-person sessions. This is especially helpful for individuals who live in remote areas, or who have busy schedules that make it difficult to attend in-person sessions.

In addition to being accessible, RRT is also highly effective. Studies have shown that RRT can be up to 7 times more effective than traditional talk therapy, and can provide rapid and lasting relief from a wide range of psychological issues.

If you are looking for a safe and supportive environment where you can explore and resolve the underlying causes of your psychological issues, RRT may be the right choice for you.

Book your Rapid Resolution Therapy Session with Kelly on Her website, using the secure Book Now Button:

Kelly was voted one of the Top Three Hypnotherapists in Seattle!

Best Hypnotherapy in Seattle

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Hypnotherapy for Mindfulness, Mediation, and to Overcome Anxiety.

Silent Brain Training™ created by Kelly Granite

Silent Brain Training™, Created by Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite

Kelly works with severe cases of anxiety, trauma, panic attacks, and OCD as a Hypnotherapist. To help her clients overcome anxiety in a single session, Kelly created Silent Brain Training (SBT). The goal of Silent Brain Training is to transcend the inner voice, or what is also called ego, to reach pure consciousness, known as Silent Consciousness. Silent consciousness is a state of being, in which the mind is free from all thoughts, and inner dialogue, and one is fully engaged in the present moment. This state is also known as self-realization or pure consciousness, where one experiences the absolute truth of existence beyond the limitations of the ego and individual identity. The ego or individual identity is a construct of the mind, created by identification with thoughts, emotions, and external objects. Through self-inquiry, one can question the nature of the self and discover that it is not limited to these constructs but is instead pure consciousness. One can enter into a state of silent consciousness by focusing on this pure consciousness and letting go of all thoughts and attachments to the ego.

The brain is in a peak state when you are in the present moment, free from thoughts, and in this state the brain is silent. This does not mean that you cannot access memories, it is the opposite; you have access to all the data your brain has ever read throughout your lifetime, and you even have access to infinite intelligence. When you are in your head engaging with thoughts, you are not fully conscious, but rather lost in the "movie of thoughts". When we engage with the thoughts popping in our head, we become the victim of them, suffering each time.

Silent Brain Training (SBT) is a method designed to return your brain to your natural state of thriving, fully conscious, in the present moment. Silent Brain Training (SBT) offers you a way out of the seemingly endless drama of suffering, anxiety, confusion, fear, anger, guilt, and grief that our species has skillfully normalized over the years. Thoughts are created by the brain as it processes data from our environment. Thoughts create our emotions, feelings, and physical sensations. The good news is that we are not our thoughts. When we do not engage with the thoughts popping in our head, we evolve consciously beyond the reptilian brain! And when we choose silence over brain chatter, we choose peace over suffering.

Albert Einstein once said, “A human being is a part of the whole called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

Silent Brain Training (SBT) is included in Kelly's Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Sessions. The silent brain gives the body a break from the fight or flight autonomic nervous system responses caused by repetitive negative thoughts. The Silent Brain allows you to live in the Present Moment. Say to yourself often, “I see to it that each step I take is ideally suited towards the outcome I hope to achieve in the end.” This keeps you the creator of your life, setting intentions.

The Silent Brain Training (SBT) is completed within 21 days of the training period, during which you will use the techniques. Your brain will be equal to an Olympic Level Master Meditator on day 21, by using my method. Kelly has taught this method to clients as young as six years old and up to ninety-two years old, liberating them from fears and anxiety!

Silent consciousness is not about being silent, it's about experiencing a state of mind where there is no internal dialogue. It is the state of being so absorbed with life, that there is no individual you. One must experience not identifying with the voice in the head to fully comprehend it. Most people only realize they are missing this state of consciousness once they have expanded into it.

You can book an appointment with Kelly to learn Silent Brain Training, by signing up for Kelly's Rapid Resolution Therapy Session, which includes, Silent Brain Training (SBT). Use the secure book now button, and pick a time and date in your time zone that works best for you!

Book Your Silent Brain Training directly on Kelly's calendar on her website here: Doylestown Hypnosis

Reference: In summary, the claim that a brain free from the inner dialogue is equal to an Olympic Level Meditator who has spent 60,000 hours in meditation is supported by research and studies conducted on the benefits of meditation. These studies have found that long-term meditators have increased activity in the prefrontal cortex and decreased activity in the DMN, which is associated with better control over attention and reduced mind-wandering.


* Fox, K. C., et al. (2012). The effect of meditation on the default mode network. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7(6), 644-652.
* Luders, E., et al. (2013). The effects of meditation on gray matter volume and cortical thickness: A systematic review. Psychological Science, 24(10), 1742-1753.
* Grant, J., et al. (2015). The role of the default mode network in mindfulness meditation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(6), 844-852.

Searches: How to Stop Overthinking, Help to Quiet the mind, Therapy for Quiet Mind, Therapy to Silence the brain, the benefits of a quiet mind. How to get your mind to be quiet, tools for training your brain to be silent, how to quiet the monkey brain, Hypnotherapy for Mindfulness, Therapy for OCD, Trauma Therapy, Help with quieting the mind for meditation.
How to Stop Overthinking, 
Best Anxiety Therapist, Best Hypnotherapist for Anxiety, Top Rated Hypnotherapist, Online Hypnotherapy

Top Rated Hypnotherapist | Certified and Licensed Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite


Top Rated Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Top Rated Hypnotherapist | Certified and Licensed Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite 

best rated hypnotherapy in seattle

Best Rated Hypnotherapy in Seattle! Virtual Hypnotherapy Sessions via Zoom and In-Office Sessions

Kelly Granite Enck is a highly acclaimed hypnotherapist, recognized as one of the top-rated professionals in her field. With a certification and license in hypnotherapy, she has garnered widespread acclaim for her expertise in trauma therapy and her ability to alleviate anxiety in children and teens. Her exceptional skills have earned her the prestigious title of top-rated hypnotherapist by, a testament to her unparalleled proficiency and dedication to her clients’ well-being. Kelly’s innovative approach to therapy includes conducting Rapid Resolution Therapy Sessions via Zoom, providing a convenient and effective way to address and clear anxiety in young individuals.

Kelly Granite Enck’s extensive experience and unwavering commitment to her clients make her a standout figure in the realm of hypnotherapy. Her specialized focus on trauma therapy equips her with the knowledge and skills necessary to guide individuals through the process of healing and recovery. By utilizing Rapid Resolution Therapy Sessions conducted through Zoom, Kelly offers a modern and accessible avenue for addressing anxiety in children and teens. Her dedication to providing top-tier care has solidified her reputation as an esteemed hypnotherapist, earning the recognition as one of the best professionals in Seattle, WA.

As a certified and licensed hypnotherapist, Kelly’s impact extends far beyond traditional therapy methods. Her utilization of Zoom for Rapid Resolution Therapy Sessions showcases her adaptability and commitment to meeting the evolving needs of her clients. Through her expertise, compassion, and innovative approach, Kelly continues to make a profound difference in the lives of those she serves, solidifying her status as a top-rated hypnotherapist.

How to Book Your Rapid Resolution Therapy Session:

Book your RRT Therapy Session with Kelly now, by clicking the secure BOOK NOW button on her website, in your own time zone. Kelly will email you a Zoom Link and help you until your goals have been met.

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