Showing posts with label How to quiet your mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to quiet your mind. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2024

How to Quiet Your Mind: Discover the Power of Silent Brain Training™ for Lasting Peace

The Constant Protest of the Brain: Break Free from Endless Criticism, 
By Kelly Granite

Have you noticed how your mind seems to protest everything? From someone’s tone of voice to the way the dishwasher is loaded, our brains seem hardwired to resist. This “constant protest” isn’t just a bad habit—it’s the default mode of an untrained mind. For many, it creates a loop of negativity that doesn’t just affect their mood but ripples out, impacting relationships, careers, and overall well-being.

The good news? You can stop the protest and reclaim peace. Let’s dive into the science of why this happens and how you can quiet your mind for good.

Why Your Brain Loves to Protest

The brain’s tendency to complain is rooted in survival. Evolutionarily, it was designed to scan for threats and problems, but in modern life, this "threat detection" goes haywire. Neuroscience shows that negative thoughts tend to cluster—once your brain begins to criticize, it’s like hitting the accelerator on a runaway train.

The Science: Neural Pathways and Thought Loops

The principle of neuroplasticity—“neurons that fire together, wire together”—explains why criticism becomes a habit. The more your brain entertains negative thoughts, the stronger those neural connections become. Over time, it creates a well-trodden path in your mind, making negativity your default mode.

MRI studies reveal that chronic criticism increases activity in the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for fear and stress. This fuels a cycle of dissatisfaction that’s exhausting and damaging—not just mentally but physically, as elevated cortisol levels wreak havoc on your health.

Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness

From a quantum perspective, your focus amplifies your reality. Dr. David R. Hawkins, in Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, explains how critical, low-energy thoughts like anger and pride block access to higher states of joy and peace. What you focus on, you energize—and criticism attracts more negativity, creating a downward spiral.

You Are Not Your Thoughts

Here’s a life-changing truth: You are not your thoughts.

Think of your mind like an inbox flooded with spam. Most of those emails (thoughts) are irrelevant, many are annoying, and some are outright harmful. Yet, most of us act as though every thought is worth reading, believing, and responding to.

Ancient teachings, as well as modern therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), emphasize detaching from thoughts. As the Seth Material says, “Your thoughts create your reality,” but only if you let them. You can choose to ignore the spam, creating a life of clarity and joy instead of one dominated by mental noise.

How to Silence the Protests

Reclaiming your brain doesn’t require years of therapy or meditation marathons. It starts with small, intentional steps:

Catch the Protest
Notice when your brain begins its critique. Simply being aware disrupts the cycle.

Let It Go
Don’t engage in arguments with your thoughts. Instead, redirect your focus by creating a to-do list and immersing yourself in productive activities. This simple shift will help quiet your mind.

Replace with Gratitude

Gratitude is the antidote to criticism. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, consciously identify something to appreciate. Gratitude rewires your brain, creating pathways for positivity.

An Exercise to Train the Brain to Be Silent
The cornerstone of Silent Brain Training™ is this powerful exercise:
For 24 hours, respond to every thought—both good and bad—with, “I disagree with that thought.”

Even if you don't actually disagree with the thought, this practice interrupts the mental chatter and opens the door to a Silent Brain. For the first time, you’ll experience the incredible stillness of a brain free from constant noise.

And here’s the magic: once you fully experience a Silent Brain, there’s no turning back. You’ll find yourself completely present in the moment, liberated from the need to overanalyze or react to every thought. No one who has reached this state has ever called me saying, “I want my thoughts back.” Instead, they cherish the silence and work diligently to maintain it.

This exercise is the beginning of a profound transformation. In my 21-day Silent Brain Training™, I guide clients to make this state of Silent Consciousness their natural way of being. This is the state of deliberate creating versus being a victim reacting to thoughts.

Embrace Silence
A quiet brain isn’t just peaceful—it’s transformative. Once you’ve experienced silence, the chattering brain becomes a thing of the past. Silence allows you to live fully conscious in the present moment, creating the life you desire without the noise of unnecessary critique or resistance.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Silent Brain Training™: How to Quiet Your Mind

How to Manifest Your Ideal Reality?

Silent Brain Training™ Created by Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite

Book Your Rapid Resolution Therapy & Silent Brain Training (SBT) Here: 

Reptilian Brain versus Silent Consciousness Brain

What Triggers A Reptilian Brain: A Brain that has not yet been trained?

Stress Triggers Our Reptilian Brain. The reptilian brain is often still in control long after traumatic events, and when it's in control, the thinking brain shuts down. It's impossible to reason and process emotions when your reptilian brain is still screaming “RUN!

I created Silent Brain training™ to help my clients turn off their negative inner dialogue, which is the cause of all suffering. Peace and Quiet are all about eliminating the noise in your head. 

There are two definitions of silence, the audio version of silence, when environmental noises are turned off, and the internal silence when the internal dialogue is turned off. To get to this state of true brain silence, you need to learn how to turn off this inner dialogue.


The brain loves to protest, judge, and build walls to protect itself, especially if there was an unjust event in early childhood. Clearing childhood or adult trauma is the first step toward calming the brain’s response to those negative events. When the brain has been allowed to indulge itself with the behavior of running dialogue, no matter how big or how small the negative event, the mental and physical conditions get worse. Rumination is another name for internal dialogue, thoughts create emotions, feelings, and sensations that contribute to all suffering and illness.


90% of Brain Growth Happens Before Kindergarten. Incredibly, the brain doubles in size in the first year. The brain keeps growing to about 80% of adult size by age 3, and 90% nearly full-grown by age 5. The brain is the command center of the human body. The brain processes events from early childhood, and the brain is still using this data to prevent hurts from happening again, causing anxiety, all the way into our adulthood. We have thoughts stirring from events in early childhood, which is really the 5-year-old brain experiencing the world as if it is going to hurt us again. The early childhood brain tries to process events without the context that adults have, so even what adults would consider small events, can be processed and stored in the child’s brain in a way that can cause distress and rumination throughout adult life.


The benefits of silence on the brain were studied at Duke University by a regenerative biologist, Imke Kirste. Rats were given pure silence for 2 hours a day over two weeks. The silence created new hypothalamus cells in the rat’s brain. The hypothalamus is important as it plays a significant role in the endocrine system. The hypothalamus maintains your body’s internal balance, which is known as homeostasis.

How to quiet the mind

I have created a fun and effective approach to train your brain to be silent, free from the merry-go-round of inner dialogue. After just one Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Session with Silent Brain Training (SBT), you will have the tools to live in the present moment, free from limiting beliefs, and free from childhood and adult trauma. The silent brain gives the body a break from the fight or flight autonomic nervous system response caused by repetitive negative thoughts. The Silent Brain allows you to live in the Present Moment, seeing to it that each step you take is ideally suited to the outcome you hope to achieve in the end.


Silent Brain Training (SBT) works for everyone, with lasting results. If you do the work, you will get the results! I have taught this method to clients as young as 6 years old, up to age 92, with unbelievable results! I have had clients regain their hearing, recover from trauma immediately, fears vanish, intrusive thoughts disappear, and my clients discover their natural state of fearless existence. You have the power to create your Ideal Reality. If you are not creating your ideal state, then the Silent Brain Training (SBT) will help.


Thoughts are not neutral, they hold energy. Negative thoughts create Anxiety, Fear, obsessive worrying, guilt, and anger. Fearful thoughts can put stress on our hearts, and other organs. When we are in a state of anxiety, our brain is activating cortisol, as well as affecting our blood pressure, and other physical responses. Letting the brain run wild with fearful thoughts is literally, allowing our brain to scare us. When we go over worst-case scenarios in our head to avoid bad things from happening, our brain does not know the difference between real life and imagined and gives us the negative experiences the trauma imagined.

 “A human being,” wrote Einstein, “is a part of the whole, called by us 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness."


Quantum Physics explains how we interact with electromagnetic fields. In the description of the Electromagnetic Field, our Unseen reality, called by the Cern Instituted Scientists, the Higgs Field, states that whatever we our attention to creates a LUMP in the “electromagnetic field, the Higgs Field, and if ALL of us give something our attention, we create a WOBBLE in the “electromagnetic field,” the Higgs Field. Our consciousness creates our reality. When our brain is acting like it is responding to reality, what is actually happening is it is creating more of the same reality.  If you want to change your physical and emotional reality, you have to change what you focus on, ideally taking your attention away from physical or mental fears, and putting the new focus on what you like about life. To become a powerful creator you have to take your attention off anything you do not like, even if the UNWANTED EVENT is staring you directly in the face. The brain is hypnotized by negative events, engaging in inner dialogue in protest, which you need to break the habit of, to reach these higher levels of consciousness as a deliberate creator. When you train your brain to turn off all the thoughts/data/inner dialogue, the brain becomes quieter and quieter, to the point where you no longer notice any thoughts or inner dialogue, this is the goal of my Silent Brain Training (SBT).

You get what you focus on. There is no other main rule.

“The personality is given the greatest gift of all; you get exactly what you want to get. You create from nothing the experience that is your own. If you do not like your experience, then look within yourself and change it. But realize also that you are responsible for your joys and triumphs, and that the energy to create any of these realities comes from the inner self. What you do with it is up to the individual personality.”   ~ Seth

Everything is endowed with units of consciousness (UC). Our multidimensional reality allows our consciousness to move freely to create and recreate, irrelevant of time and space. Next time you catch yourself in an inner dialogue, with thoughts telling you that you cannot do something, put your brain on silent like you would put your cell phone on silent during a flight. Once the chatter is off, create an ideal outcome, then take Action.

Hypnotherapy for Quiet Mind

Silent Brain Training (SBT) goes beyond the state of temporary silence that you may have experienced during meditation, you will learn how to train the brain to stay silent during all activities. The brain can be trained to be fully absorbed in whatever you are creating or doing. When you are in this state of “silent brain,” there is no “Me or I” story, you are literally one with whatever you are creating, in the zone, in the flow, in the Present Moment.


Silence has the opposite effect on the brain compared to noise. While noise may cause stress and tension, silence releases tension in the brain and body. Scientists have discovered noticeable improvements in blood pressure and circulation in silent brains vs. their noisy counterparts. Silence replenishes our cognitive resources. The tendency to ruminate is an indicator of susceptibility to developing the depressive disorder as it has been shown that rumination is a predictor of the onset of this condition (Nolan, Roberts, & Gotlib, 1998; Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000; Roberts, Gilboa, & Gotlib, 1998; Spasojević & Alloy, 2001). Rumination is the extended and unproductive analysis of one’s negative emotions, thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Rumination actually increases your negative emotions in a never-ending trap of increasingly negative thoughts and emotions. The irony is that ruminating does not lead to solving the issues you are ruminating about. Rumination ACTUALLY KEEPS you from taking action to solve the underlying problems.


Scientific literature has found differences, between ruminators and non-ruminators in how neurons fire between specific parts of the brain!! Science has further determined that the differences occur between parts of the brain that have developed functional roles during human evolution, so their performance is due to the environment. In other words, specific life experiences have programmed your brain to create negative thoughts. An Olympic Level Master Meditator has a brain oscillating with Theta Brain Waves, this is a brain in a state of bliss, calm all the time. The brain changes when taught to stop ruminating, and it can be seen in an electroencephalogram (EEG), recorded either from inside the brain or from electrodes attached to the scalp.


Hypnotherapy for Monkey Brain

“You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are programmed by your environment and collective consciousness. When you stop identifying with your thoughts, all your suffering ends. Silent Brain Training is the fastest way to get to the state of Enlightenment, the higher levels of consciousness! Once you reach this mountain peak, you will have left footprints in the collective consciousness for the evolution of man to follow.”  ~ Kelly Granite 


Doylestown Hypnosis

During your Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Session, you will learn the Silent Brain Training (SBT) technique and develop full control over your brain. When you no longer identify with your thoughts, you will have awakened to a higher level of consciousness, and can deliberately create your ideal reality. We will also clear the root cause event, that keeps your brain stuck. You can create your ideal reality, and it helps to clear the thoughts, traumas, and any limiting beliefs. 

Top Rated Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Kelly Granite Hypnotherapist, B.A., C.H. is a California State University, Northridge graduate, and she is a Licensed and Certified Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner. Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), the cutting-edge Hypnotherapy for Rapid Results. Kelly has also trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization, and Reprocessing (EMDR), and she is certified in Advanced Regression Hypnosis (NGH). Silent Brain Training is included in Kelly's RRT Therapy Session. Depending on her client’s goal, Kelly may use one or all of the above modalities in her Hypnotherapy Sessions.

Hypnotherapy Online : Kelly Granite Enck Hypnotherapist

Remote Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) sessions conducted via ZOOM offer numerous benefits to clients. The comfort and familiarity of being in their own homes create a relaxed atmosphere that promotes effective therapy. Additionally, having their pets, such as dogs, by their side can further enhance this sense of comfort and ease during the session.


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

How to Quiet Your Mind: Silent Brain Training™

Silent Brain Training created by Kelly Granite

Silent Brain Training™ (SBT) Created by Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite

How to Quiet Your Mind

Master Your Brain and Reach the Highest Level of Consciousness: Silent Consciousness

Stress Triggers Our Reptilian Brain. The reptilian brain is often still in control long after traumatic events, and when it's in control, the thinking brain shuts down. It's impossible to reason and process emotions when your reptilian brain is still screaming “RUN!

I created Silent Brain training (SBT) to help my clients turn off their negative inner dialogue, which is the cause of all suffering. Peace and Quiet are all about eliminating the noise in your head.

There are two definitions of silence, the audio version of silence, when environmental noises are turned off, and the internal silence when the internal dialogue is turned off. To get to this state of true brain silence, you need to learn how to turn off this inner dialogue.


The brain loves to protest, judge, and build walls to protect itself, especially if there was an unjust event in early childhood. Clearing childhood or adult trauma is the first step toward calming the brain’s response to those negative events. When the brain has been allowed to indulge itself with the behavior of running dialogue, no matter how big or how small the negative event, the mental and physical conditions get worse. Rumination is another name for internal dialogue, thoughts create emotions, feelings, and sensations that contribute to all suffering and illness.


90% of Brain Growth Happens Before Kindergarten. Incredibly, the brain doubles in size in the first year. The brain keeps growing to about 80% of adult size by age 3, and 90% nearly full-grown by age 5. The brain is the command center of the human body. The brain processes events from early childhood, and the brain is still using this data to prevent hurts from happening again, causing anxiety, all the way into our adulthood. We have thoughts stirring from events in early childhood, which is really the 5-year-old brain experiencing the world as if it is going to hurt us again. The early childhood brain tries to process events without the context that adults have, so even what adults would consider small events, can be processed and stored in the child’s brain in a way that can cause distress and rumination throughout adult life.


The benefits of silence on the brain were studied at Duke University by a regenerative biologist, Imke Kirste. Rats were given pure silence for 2 hours a day over two weeks. The silence created new hypothalamus cells in the rat’s brain. The hypothalamus is important as it plays a significant role in the endocrine system. The hypothalamus maintains your body’s internal balance, which is known as homeostasis.

How to quiet the mind

I have created a fun and effective approach to train your brain to be silent, free from the merry-go-round of inner dialogue. After just one Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Session with Silent Brain Training (SBT), you will have the tools to live in the present moment, free from limiting beliefs, and free from childhood and adult trauma. The silent brain gives the body a break from the fight or flight autonomic nervous system response caused by repetitive negative thoughts. The Silent Brain allows you to live in the Present Moment, seeing to it that each step you take is ideally suited to the outcome you hope to achieve in the end.


Silent Brain Training (SBT) works for everyone, with lasting results. If you do the work, you will get the results! I have taught this method to clients as young as 6 years old, up to age 92, with unbelievable results! I have had clients regain their hearing, recover from trauma immediately, fears vanish, intrusive thoughts disappear, and my clients discover their natural state of fearless existence. You have the power to create your Ideal Reality. If you are not creating your ideal state, then the Silent Brain Training (SBT) will help.


Thoughts are not neutral, they hold energy. Negative thoughts create Anxiety, Fear, obsessive worrying, guilt, and anger. Fearful thoughts can put stress on our hearts, and other organs. When we are in a state of anxiety, our brain is activating cortisol, as well as affecting our blood pressure, and other physical responses. Letting the brain run wild with fearful thoughts is literally, allowing our brain to scare us. When we go over worst-case scenarios in our head to avoid bad things from happening, our brain does not know the difference between real life and imagined and gives us the negative experiences the trauma imagined.

 “A human being,” wrote Einstein, “is a part of the whole, called by us 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness."


Quantum Physics explains how we interact with electromagnetic fields. In the description of the Electromagnetic Field, our Unseen reality, called by the Cern Instituted Scientists, the Higgs Field, states that whatever we our attention to creates a LUMP in the “electromagnetic field, the Higgs Field, and if ALL of us give something our attention, we create a WOBBLE in the “electromagnetic field,” the Higgs Field. Our consciousness creates our reality. When our brain is acting like it is responding to reality, what is actually happening is it is creating more of the same reality.  If you want to change your physical and emotional reality, you have to change what you focus on, ideally taking your attention away from physical or mental fears, and putting the new focus on what you like about life. To become a powerful creator you have to take your attention off anything you do not like, even if the UNWANTED EVENT is staring you directly in the face. The brain is hypnotized by negative events, engaging in inner dialogue in protest, which you need to break the habit of, to reach these higher levels of consciousness as a deliberate creator. When you train your brain to turn off all the thoughts/data/inner dialogue, the brain becomes quieter and quieter, to the point where you no longer notice any thoughts or inner dialogue, this is the goal of my Silent Brain Training (SBT).

You get what you focus on. There is no other main rule.

“The personality is given the greatest gift of all; you get exactly what you want to get. You create from nothing the experience that is your own. If you do not like your experience, then look within yourself and change it. But realize also that you are responsible for your joys and triumphs, and that the energy to create any of these realities comes from the inner self. What you do with it is up to the individual personality.”   ~ Seth

Everything is endowed with units of consciousness (UC). Our multidimensional reality allows our consciousness to move freely to create and recreate, irrelevant of time and space. Next time you catch yourself in an inner dialogue, with thoughts telling you that you cannot do something, put your brain on silent like you would put your cell phone on silent during a flight. Once the chatter is off, create an ideal outcome, then take Action.

Hypnotherapy for Quiet Mind

Silent Brain Training (SBT) goes beyond the state of temporary silence that you may have experienced during meditation, you will learn how to train the brain to stay silent during all activities. The brain can be trained to be fully absorbed in whatever you are creating or doing. When you are in this state of “silent brain,” there is no “Me or I” story, you are literally one with whatever you are creating, in the zone, in the flow, in the Present Moment.


Silence has the opposite effect on the brain compared to noise. While noise may cause stress and tension, silence releases tension in the brain and body. Scientists have discovered noticeable improvements in blood pressure and circulation in silent brains vs. their noisy counterparts. Silence replenishes our cognitive resources. The tendency to ruminate is an indicator of susceptibility to developing the depressive disorder as it has been shown that rumination is a predictor of the onset of this condition (Nolan, Roberts, & Gotlib, 1998; Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000; Roberts, Gilboa, & Gotlib, 1998; Spasojević & Alloy, 2001). Rumination is the extended and unproductive analysis of one’s negative emotions, thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Rumination actually increases your negative emotions in a never-ending trap of increasingly negative thoughts and emotions. The irony is that ruminating does not lead to solving the issues you are ruminating about. Rumination ACTUALLY KEEPS you from taking action to solve the underlying problems.


Scientific literature has found differences, between ruminators and non-ruminators in how neurons fire between specific parts of the brain!! Science has further determined that the differences occur between parts of the brain that have developed functional roles during human evolution, so their performance is due to the environment. In other words, specific life experiences have programmed your brain to create negative thoughts. An Olympic Level Master Meditator has a brain oscillating with Theta Brain Waves, this is a brain in a state of bliss, calm all the time. The brain changes when taught to stop ruminating, and it can be seen in an electroencephalogram (EEG), recorded either from inside the brain or from electrodes attached to the scalp.


Hypnotherapy for Monkey Brain

“You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are programmed by your environment and collective consciousness. When you stop identifying with your thoughts, all your suffering ends. Silent Brain Training is the fastest way to get to the state of Enlightenment, the higher levels of consciousness! Once you reach this mountain peak, you will have left footprints in the collective consciousness for the evolution of man to follow.”  ~ Kelly Granite 


Doylestown Hypnosis

During your Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Session, you will learn the Silent Brain Training (SBT) technique and develop full control over your brain. When you no longer identify with your thoughts, you will have awakened to a higher level of consciousness, and can deliberately create your ideal reality. We will also clear the root cause event, that keeps your brain stuck. You can create your ideal reality, and it helps to clear the thoughts, traumas, and any limiting beliefs. 

Top Rated Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Kelly Granite Hypnotherapist, B.A., C.H. is a California State University, Northridge graduate, and she is a Licensed and Certified Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner. Kelly trained with Dr. Jon Connelly, the founder of Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), the cutting-edge Hypnotherapy for Rapid Results. Kelly has also trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization, and Reprocessing (EMDR), and she is certified in Advanced Regression Hypnosis (NGH). Depending on her client’s goal, Kelly may use one or all of the above modalities in her Hypnotherapy Sessions. 

Book your Rapid Resolution Therapy Session directly on Kelly's calendar in your time zone, by clicking on the secure book now button on Kelly's website:

Hypnotherapy Online : Kelly Granite Enck Hypnotherapist

Remote Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) sessions conducted via ZOOM offer numerous benefits to clients. The comfort and familiarity of being in their own homes create a relaxed atmosphere that promotes effective therapy. Additionally, having their pets, such as dogs, by their side can further enhance this sense of comfort and ease during the session.


How to Create Your Ideal Reality

  How to Create Your Ideal Reality : by Kelly Granite Enck, Hypnotherapist Introduction: Dive into the fascinating blend of quantum physics...