Silent Brain Training (SBT) | Benefits of a Silent Brain

Silent Brain Training (SBT)

Silent Brain Training (SBT) | Benefits of a Silent Brain

Kelly Granite Enck works with severe cases of anxiety, trauma, panic attacks, and OCD as a Hypnotherapist. To help her clients overcome anxiety in a single session, she created Silent Brain Training (SBT). The goal of Silent Brain Training is to transcend the inner voice, or what is also called ego, to reach pure consciousness, known as Silent Consciousness. Silent consciousness is a state of being, in which the mind is free from all thoughts, and inner dialogue, and one is fully engaged in the present moment. This state is also known as self-realization or pure consciousness, where one experiences the absolute truth of existence beyond the limitations of the ego and individual identity. The ego or individual identity is a construct of the mind, created by identification with thoughts, emotions, and external objects. Through self-inquiry, one can question the nature of the self and discover that it is not limited to these constructs but is instead pure consciousness. By focusing on this pure consciousness and letting go of all thoughts and attachments to the ego, one can enter into a state of silent consciousness.

How Silent Brain Training™ (SBT) Creates an Optimal Brain! Hypnosis expands your Consciousness and creates a physically larger and more powerful brain. In this state of full consciousness, you can be present and focused. An evolved brain free from inner chatter oscillates more towards Theta brainwaves, versus the Fight or fight-or-flight reptilian Brain. Learn how to have a more powerful brain under your full control, with my Silent Brain Training (SBT)

Meditation is shown to thicken the pre-frontal cortex. This brain center manages higher-order brain functions, like increased awareness, concentration, and decision-making. Changes in the brain show, that with meditation, higher-order functions become stronger, while lower-order brain activities decrease. When you have mastered the Silent Brain Training, you will have an Olympic Level Meditator's Brain.
Scientific studies carried out by David Spiegel, a psychiatrist at Stanford University School of Medicine, have shown that hypnosis makes a lasting impression on the brainDistinct changes in brain activity during the hypnotic state, changes that are not normally present when not induced into the hypnosis state. Dr. Spiegel found that when you are in this relaxed state of theta brainwaves, the ego takes a break and you feel a connectedness with the world around you. The State of self-consciousness is gone.
Dr. Spiegel explains “In hypnosis, we know you can alter things like gastric acid secretion, heart rate, blood pressure, and skin conductance. Your brain is very good at controlling what’s going on in your body.”
Dr. Alan Manevitz, a clinical psychiatrist with Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City adds, “Hypnosis has been around for a long time, but people have looked upon it as quackery. This demonstrates it’s a legitimate neurobiological phenomenon, by revealing the brain activity that underlies the hypnotic state.” This research provides valuable insights into the physiological aspects of hypnotherapy. It has far-reaching implications for the future as it continues to be acknowledged as a legitimate and highly valuable practice.
It helps to define the brain into two parts if you will humor me. 
1. The Brain is the physical organ, 2. Consciousness or Mind is defined as the electromagnet field that extends out from the brain, the so-called reality of existence.  Some believe consciousness to be the spirit or a soul, which is energy, which is eternal, for energy is not created and can never be destroyed by the eternal self. The electromagnetic field has units of consciousness, everything does, and this is being studied by Quantum Physic Scientists. They are experimenting with the unseen reality of invisible electromagnetic fields that make up what we cannot see, the non-physical reality that is equal to our physical reality. The brain in a lower state of consciousness is identifying with thoughts popping into awareness as if they are worthy of engaging with when in reality, they are like a TV turned on in your head, robbing you of the blissful present moment. When you are in your head, you are not present.
Science is proving that the brain has 2 parts, the organ that is often associated with the Reptilian brain, which is the person identifying with the thoughts that are popping into their head and engaging with them all day long. This so-called, normal state of existence is a victim/reactor of the thoughts that create our emotions, feelings, and physical sensations, the cause of all our suffering. 
There is another state of existence, when you use the brain as a tool, not identifying with the thoughts. It's simple, you can train your brain to stop ruminating and become liberated. Monks call this state Still, Silence, and Silent Consciousness. When the brain is silent you are Reality, there is no separate self. 
The brain in silent consciousness is oscillating at theta brain waves in an EEG. Monks train their brains to get to this state which they call Nirvana, or Self Realized, Enlightened, Still, or Silent consciousness. This is a fully conscious brain experiencing reality in its true form, blissful. 
Without the Reptilian brain, life is completely different. You have to evolve beyond thoughts to reach this expanded consciousness state. When the brain changes to silent from rumination it is functioning at its optimal level, creative, calm, and relaxed. The illusion of an ego dissolves because it only exists with inner dialog. There is only one true state of consciousness, which is the reality beyond thoughts. It is our inner dialog engagement that creates the feeling of separation and threat.
An untrained brain is in constant protest and depending on your childhood it can be a brain that you can handle or maybe in an extreme state of fight or flight, which immediately ends when you teach the brain to be silent from the inner dialog. I teach my clients Silent Brain Training (SBT) and within 21 days, if they do the work, they will have this new and powerful brain, free from past hurts and anxiety!
Silent Brain Training (SBT) to reach Silent Consciousness

The Benefits of Silent Brain Training (SBT)

Kelly Granite Enck Hypnotherapist and Rapid Resolution Therapy Practitioner created Silent Brain Training (SBT) to help her clients transcend the inner voice, and the ego to reach pure consciousness, known as Silent Consciousness. Silent consciousness is a state of being, in which the mind is free from all thoughts, and inner dialogue, and one is fully engaged in the present moment. This state is also known as self-realization or pure consciousness, where one experiences the absolute truth of existence beyond the limitations of the ego and individual identity. The ego or individual identity is a construct of the mind, created by identification with thoughts, emotions, and external objects. Through self-inquiry, one can question the nature of the self and discover that it is not limited to these constructs but is instead pure consciousness. By focusing on this pure consciousness and letting go of all thoughts and attachments to the ego, one can enter into a state of silent consciousness. 

The brain is at a peak state in Silence. This does not mean that you cannot access memories, it is the opposite, You have access to all the data your brain has ever read throughout your lifetime, and you even have access to infinite intelligence. When you are in your head engaging with thoughts, you are not fully conscious, you are lost in thoughts. When we engage with the thoughts popping in our head, we become the victim and reactor to them, suffering each time.  

Silent Brain Training (SBT) is a method designed to return your brain to your natural state of thriving, fully conscious, in the present moment. Silent Brain Training (SBT)  offers you a way out of the seemingly endless drama of suffering, anxiety, confusion, fear, anger, guilt, and grief that our species has skillfully normalized over the years. Thoughts are created by the brain as it processes data from our environment. Thoughts create our emotions, feelings, and physical sensations. The good news is that we are not our thoughts. When we do not engage with the thoughts popping in our head, we evolve consciously beyond the reptilian brain! And when we choose silence over brain chatter, we choose peace over suffering.   

Albert Einstein once said, “A human being is a part of the whole called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” 

Silent Brain Training (SBT) is included in my Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Sessions. The silent brain gives the body a break from the fight or flight autonomic nervous system responses caused by repetitive negative thoughts. The Silent Brain allows you to live in the Present Moment. Say to yourself often, “I see to it that each step I take is ideally suited towards the outcome I hope to achieve in the end.” This keeps you the creator of your life, setting intentions. 

The Silent Brain Training (SBT) is completed within 21-day, of the training period during which you will be using the techniques I will teach you. Your brain will be equal to an Olympic Level Master Meditator on day 21, by using my method. I have taught this method to clients as young as six years old and up to ninety-two years old, liberating them from fears and anxiety! 

References: Kelly Granite Enck created Silent Brain Training (SBT) to help her clients reach the state of Silent Consciousness, where one becomes the Absolute, Pure Consciousness, beyond ego and thoughts, referred to as self-realized. Silent Consciousness has been taught by many great teachers, Thich Nhat Hanh, Eckhart Tolle, Seth, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and Ramana Maharshi. It is thought that maybe this was the state Jesus reached, while in the desert for forty days and forty nights fighting demons, which may be a metaphor for thoughts. Buddha reached this state under the Bodhi Tree. The phrase "silent consciousness" was termed by the Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti used the term "silent consciousness" to refer to a state of awareness that is free from thought, emotion, and other mental activities. He believed that this state of consciousness is essential for true insight and understanding and that it can be achieved through meditation and self-inquiry. 

Silent consciousness is not about being silent, but rather about experiencing a state of mind where there is no internal dialogue. It is a state of being that is full of life and can only be truly understood through personal realization. This means that one must experience it to fully comprehend it. Most people do not even realize they are missing this state until they have experienced it. 

Kelly Granite Enck Hypnotherapist, B.A., CHt. is a California State University, Northridge graduate, and she is a Licensed and Certified Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner. Kelly trained with Dr. Jon Connelly, the founder of Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), cutting-edge Hypnotherapy for Rapid Results. Kelly has also trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization, and Reprocessing (EMDR), and she is certified in Advanced Regression Hypnosis (NGH). Depending on her client’s goal, Kelly may use one or all of the above modalities in her Hypnotherapy Sessions. 

Book Your Silent Brain Training (SBT)  session with Kelly, Directly on Kelly's calendar in your own time zone, by signing up for the Rapid Resolution Therapy Session. Kelly will email you a Zoom Link and work with you until your goals have been met. DoylestownHypnosis 

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