Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Silent Brain Training™ | Created by Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Silent Brain Training created by Kelly Granite Enck

Silent Brain Training™created by Kelly Granite, Hypnotherapist

The Science Behind Silent Brain Training™: Harnessing the Power of the Present Moment

Silent Brain Training™ is rooted in the art and science of living fully in the present moment, free from inner chatter or what is commonly referred to as the "monkey mind." By quieting mental noise, this transformative practice enables a state of clarity, focus, and peace, paving the way for enhanced emotional regulation and deeper self-awareness.

Duke Scientists are experimenting with mice to show that “silence” produces new Brain Cells! Conventional thinking was that adult brains could not generate new brain cells. The old theory was that by the age of 6, the size of the brain increases to about 90% of its volume in adulthood. Then, in our 30s and 40s, the brain starts to shrink with the rate of shrinkage increasing by age 60!

The Duke Regenerative Biologist Imke Kirste gave mice pure silence for 2 hours a day, over two weeks. The silence created new hypothalamus brain cells in the mouse’s brain. The hypothalamus is important as it plays a significant role in the endocrine system. The hypothalamus maintains our body’s internal balance, which is known as homeostasis. Though the mouse brain is not a miniature version of the human brain, it has proven to be a powerful model for studying many human brain functions, diseases, and mental disorders, in part because the genes responsible for building and operating both human and rodent organs are 90 percent identical.

In my journey to heal myself from Ulcerative Colitis, I had to train myself to stop worrying to get well, because the stress and anxiety were making the condition worse. I was able to get my brain to become, more and more silent using a technique I developed, until I literally had full control of my brain and could like a switch of a light, turn off ruminating thoughts. I had reached a higher state of consciousness, known as living in the present moment, whereas I experience life differently with a silent brain, no longer chattering in my head with protests, dramas, or fears. The Silence produced new hypothalamus brain cells reversing the aging of my brain and also allowing my body to heal. Silence is the secret ingredient to man’s evolution.

All suffering ends when you stop engaging with thoughts in your head.

I have mastered “The Silent Brain Training (SBT)” and I am always excited to teach the technique to my clients. No one wants to return back to the ruminating brain, once they have mastered the skill of turning off inner dialogue.

 The brain quickly responds to its peak state of existence, when the brain is at peace. This does not mean that you cannot recall memories, you have access to everything that ever happened to you and all the data your brain has read, even infinite intelligence when you are in the present moment, the difference is you will not be triggered by anything if you keep your brain in the present state.

Silent Brain Training is designed to offer a way out of the seemingly endless drama of suffering, anxiety, confusion, fear, anger, guilt, and grief that our species has skillfully normalized over the years.

Thoughts are created by data, which creates emotions, feelings, and physical sensations. The good news is we are not our thoughts, and it is easy to turn them all off and live in the present moment, free of all trauma and anxiety.

You do not need to talk to the thoughts in your head to function or live life to its fullest. You are fully conscious when the brain chatter in your head is off. When you stop engaging in rumination, these neural pathways, go away.

“A human being,” wrote Einstein, “is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.

You will learn my Silent Brain Training (SBT) in just one Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Session. The silent brain gives the body a break from the fight or flight autonomic nervous system responses, which are caused by repetitive negative thoughts. The Silent Brain allows you to live in the Present Moment, seeing to it that each step you take is ideally suited to the outcome you hope to achieve in the end.

Silent Brain Training (SBT) works for everyone with lasting results. I have taught this method to clients as young as 6 years old, up to age 92, freeing them completely from fears and anxiety!

Book your Rapid Resolution Therapy, which includes Silent Brain Training directly on Kelly's calendar, by clicking the secure BOOK NOW button on Kelly's website www.DoylestownHypnosis.com . Kelly will email you a Zoom Link, and work with you until your goals have been met. 

Searches: The Science Behind "Silent Brain Training," Define Silent Consciousness, How to Obtain Enlightenment, How to Live in the Present Moment.

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