Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Silent Brain Training™ | Created by Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Silent Brain Training created by Kelly Granite Enck

Silent Brain Training™created by Kelly Granite, Hypnotherapist

The Science Behind Silent Brain Training™: Harnessing the Power of the Present Moment

Silent Brain Training™ is rooted in the art and science of living fully in the present moment, free from inner chatter or what is commonly referred to as the "monkey mind." By quieting mental noise, this transformative practice enables a state of clarity, focus, and peace, paving the way for enhanced emotional regulation and deeper self-awareness.

Duke Scientists are experimenting with mice to show that “silence” produces new Brain Cells! Conventional thinking was that adult brains could not generate new brain cells. The old theory was that by the age of 6, the size of the brain increases to about 90% of its volume in adulthood. Then, in our 30s and 40s, the brain starts to shrink with the rate of shrinkage increasing by age 60!

The Duke Regenerative Biologist Imke Kirste gave mice pure silence for 2 hours a day, over two weeks. The silence created new hypothalamus brain cells in the mouse’s brain. The hypothalamus is important as it plays a significant role in the endocrine system. The hypothalamus maintains our body’s internal balance, which is known as homeostasis. Though the mouse brain is not a miniature version of the human brain, it has proven to be a powerful model for studying many human brain functions, diseases, and mental disorders, in part because the genes responsible for building and operating both human and rodent organs are 90 percent identical.

In my journey to heal myself from Ulcerative Colitis, I had to train myself to stop worrying to get well, because the stress and anxiety were making the condition worse. I was able to get my brain to become, more and more silent using a technique I developed, until I literally had full control of my brain and could like a switch of a light, turn off ruminating thoughts. I had reached a higher state of consciousness, known as living in the present moment, whereas I experience life differently with a silent brain, no longer chattering in my head with protests, dramas, or fears. The Silence produced new hypothalamus brain cells reversing the aging of my brain and also allowing my body to heal. Silence is the secret ingredient to man’s evolution.

All suffering ends when you stop engaging with thoughts in your head.

I have mastered “The Silent Brain Training (SBT)” and I am always excited to teach the technique to my clients. No one wants to return back to the ruminating brain, once they have mastered the skill of turning off inner dialogue.

 The brain quickly responds to its peak state of existence, when the brain is at peace. This does not mean that you cannot recall memories, you have access to everything that ever happened to you and all the data your brain has read, even infinite intelligence when you are in the present moment, the difference is you will not be triggered by anything if you keep your brain in the present state.

Silent Brain Training is designed to offer a way out of the seemingly endless drama of suffering, anxiety, confusion, fear, anger, guilt, and grief that our species has skillfully normalized over the years.

Thoughts are created by data, which creates emotions, feelings, and physical sensations. The good news is we are not our thoughts, and it is easy to turn them all off and live in the present moment, free of all trauma and anxiety.

You do not need to talk to the thoughts in your head to function or live life to its fullest. You are fully conscious when the brain chatter in your head is off. When you stop engaging in rumination, these neural pathways, go away.

“A human being,” wrote Einstein, “is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.

You will learn my Silent Brain Training (SBT) in just one Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Session. The silent brain gives the body a break from the fight or flight autonomic nervous system responses, which are caused by repetitive negative thoughts. The Silent Brain allows you to live in the Present Moment, seeing to it that each step you take is ideally suited to the outcome you hope to achieve in the end.

Silent Brain Training (SBT) works for everyone with lasting results. I have taught this method to clients as young as 6 years old, up to age 92, freeing them completely from fears and anxiety!

Book your Rapid Resolution Therapy, which includes Silent Brain Training directly on Kelly's calendar, by clicking the secure BOOK NOW button on Kelly's website www.DoylestownHypnosis.com . Kelly will email you a Zoom Link, and work with you until your goals have been met. 

Searches: The Science Behind "Silent Brain Training," Define Silent Consciousness, How to Obtain Enlightenment, How to Live in the Present Moment.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Online Hypnotherapy Sessions | Top Rated Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Best Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Online Hypnotherapy Sessions 

What is Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT)?

If you have been stuck and unable to successfully change your feelings, thoughts, or behaviors, you are likely being affected by experiences from your past. When fueled by the ongoing influence of past events, emotional problems, troubling thoughts, destructive behaviors, and relationship difficulties can seem impossible to overcome. Attempting to bring about enduring change without eliminating these “ghosts from the past” is like trying to repair the structure of a building by applying a coat of paint. The human mind relates and responds to stories. With Rapid Resolution Therapy a new neural pathway is built through visual imagery, storytelling, and metaphors. Unlike traditional cognitive therapy, which only targets the cognitive brain, RRT instead addresses the emotional brain and limbic system. Therefore, RRT treatment is not emotionally painful as clients do not re-experience or expose themselves to their fears as they address the root causes of their issues.

Hypnotherapy Online Sessions

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) a form of Hypnotherapy was designed to clear and transform underlying causes of Anxiety: Stress, Procrastination, Obsessive Worrying, Panic Attacks, Fear and Phobias, Fear of Rejection, Fear of Being Alone, Social Phobias, Depression, Guilt, Over Eating, Bad Habits, Drinking too much, Insomnia, School Issues, Test Anxiety, Relationship Issues, Boredom, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Eating Disorders, Obesity, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis (UC), Crohn's Disease, Anorexia, Bulimia, Sports Anxiety, Fear of Flying, Fear of Driving, Trichotillomania, Sexual Trauma, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). By clearing the root cause my clients can heal and transform into their natural state of joy. Suffering is only good if it teaches you how to stop suffering. The RRT session was designed with methods that have been proven to work!

Online Hypnotherapy Sessions

What to Expect: Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) is a short-term treatment. Most individuals require only 1 to 3 sessions for lasting results. Often in a single session, RRT can resolve lifelong issues. I have worked with clients as young as 6 and as old as 92, with great success! The first session is 2 hours long, followed, if needed, by a 90-minute session to tweak the new changes!

Online Hypnotherapy

After years of helping my clients with their challenges in life, I have developed an intuitive ability that aids me in pinpointing the exact area that is causing the conditions. Once my clients dissolve their triggers the unwanted condition goes away. It is a riveting experience with lots of Ah-ha moments that leave my clients feeling in full control over their lives.

During the Rapid Resolution Therapy Session, my clients will learn to stop their “Ruminating Thoughts” on command. Seventy percent of all ruminating thoughts are ‘negative self-talk’ and the thoughts that are not negative often turn negative when we engage with them. The greatest experience one can have is to be in full control of their mind. When you are in your head listening to ‘negative self-talk’ you are not present in life, but suffering. The suffering ends in just one Rapid Resolution Therapy Session in most cases. When your brain stops talking to you obsessively, you will feel happier, calmer, and better able to accomplish your goals!

Hypnotherapy Online Sessions

Your eyes will be closed during your Rapid Resolution Therapy  Hypnotherapy sessions, so it will not matter whether you are in my office or in a Virtual Online session, because the results will be the same, Transforming and Lasting. The key to resolving your issue is your comfort level during the session. You may want to wear comfortable clothing and allow time for your session to run over without being worried about time constraints. I have an impeccable track record for helping my clients accomplish their goals. They call me the Brain Whisperer.

Online Hypnotherapy Sessions

What to Expect During A Rapid Resolution Therapy Session:

PART 1: The client sets the goal

PART 2: Question and Answer Session, I learn the mini-history of my client’s life related to their goal.

PART 3: Induction, the process of relaxing my client into the state of hypnosis, an average time of 20 minutes.

PART 4: Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic method used within the state of hypnosis to “pinpoint” the limiting belief underlying the issue at hand. Once the limiting belief is changed, the unwanted symptoms go away!

Hypnosis by Zoom

Once my clients have resolved their reason for seeing me, they may find new goals to accomplish. I encourage my clients to build on their success and sign up for a follow-up session when working on a new exciting challenge. My follow-up session goal is to tweak the progress you have made in training your brain to be quiet from ruminating thoughts; And you will learn new techniques, that will help you with your goals and challenges! Each hypnotherapy session empowers the next, as my clients learn to relax more and quiet their brains, which instills their natural confidence. 

Kelly Granite Hypnotherapist, B.A., CHt. is a California State University, Northridge graduate, and she is a Licensed and Certified Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner. Kelly trained with Dr. Jon Connelly, the founder of Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), the cutting-edge Hypnotherapy for Rapid Results. Kelly has also trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization, and Reprocessing (EMDR), and she is certified in Advanced Regression Hypnosis (NGH). Depending on her client’s goal, Kelly may use one or all of the above modalities in her Hypnotherapy Sessions. 

Book Your Rapid Resolution Therapy -Online Hypnotherapy Sessions Directly on Kelly's calendar in your own time zone by clicking the “Book Now” button on Kelly's website: Doylestown Hypnosis Kelly Services clients worldwide thanks to Zoom!

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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Hypnotherapy for Fears and Phobias

Hypnotherapy for Fears and Phobias

Hypnotherapy for Fears and Phobias

Top Rated Hypnotherapist Kelly Granit is a Certified and Licensed Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner. Kelly is offering Rapid Resolution Therapy Sessions via Zoom. Often in a Single RRT Therapy Session, you can clear, resolve, and transform lifelong issues with lasting results.


Book Your Appt with Kelly Directly on her calendar, using the secure "Book Now" button on her website www.HypnosisbyKellyGranite.com

Rapid Resolution Therapy Sessions for Children and Adults.

If you have been stuck and unable to successfully change your feelings, thoughts, or behaviors, you are likely being affected by experiences from your past. When fueled by the ongoing influence of past events, emotional problems, troubling thoughts, destructive behaviors, and relationship difficulties can seem impossible to overcome. Attempting to bring about enduring change without eliminating these “ghosts from the past” is like trying to repair the structure of a building by applying a coat of paint. The human mind relates and responds to stories. With Rapid Resolution Therapy a new neural pathway is built through visual imagery, storytelling, and metaphors. Unlike traditional cognitive therapy, which only targets the cognitive brain, RRT instead addresses the emotional brain and limbic system. Therefore, RRT treatment is not emotionally painful as clients do not re-experience or expose themselves to their fears as they address the root causes of their issues.

Hypnotherapy for Children and Teenagers

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) a form of Hypnotherapy was designed to clear and transform underlying causes of Anxiety: Stress, Procrastination, Obsessive Worrying, Panic Attacks, Fear and Phobias, Fear of Rejection, Fear of Being Alone, Social Phobias, Depression, Guilt, Over Eating, Bad Habits, Drinking too much, Insomnia, School Issues, Test Anxiety, Relationship Issues, Boredom, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Eating Disorders, Obesity, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis (UC), Crohn's Disease, Anorexia, Bulimia, Sports Anxiety, Fear of Flying, Fear of Driving, Trichotillomania, Sexual Trauma, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). By clearing the root cause my clients can heal and transform into their natural state of joy. Suffering is only good if it teaches you how to stop suffering. The RRT session was designed with methods that have been proven to work!

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

What to Expect: Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) is a short-term treatment. Most individuals require only 1 to 3 sessions for lasting results. Often in a single session, RRT can resolve lifelong issues. I have worked with clients as young as 6 and as old as 92, with great success! The first session is 2 hours long, followed, if needed, by a 90-minute session to tweak the new changes!

Hypnotherapist Seattle

After years of helping my clients with their challenges in life, I have developed an intuitive ability that aids me in pinpointing the exact area that is causing the conditions. Once my clients dissolve their triggers the unwanted condition goes away. It is a riveting experience with lots of Ah-ha moments that leave my clients feeling in full control over their lives.

During the Rapid Resolution Therapy Session, my clients will learn to stop their “Ruminating Thoughts” on command. Seventy percent of all ruminating thoughts are ‘negative self-talk’ and the thoughts that are not negative often turn negative when we engage with them. The greatest experience one can have is to be in full control of their mind. When you are in your head listening to ‘negative self-talk’ you are not present in life, but suffering. The suffering ends in just one Rapid Resolution Therapy Session in most cases. When your brain stops talking to you obsessively, you will feel happier, calmer, and better able to accomplish your goals!

Hypnotherapy Online Sessions

Your eyes will be closed during your Rapid Resolution Therapy  Hypnotherapy sessions, so it will not matter whether you are in my office or in a Virtual Online session, because the results will be the same, Transforming and Lasting. The key to resolving your issue is your comfort level during the session. You may want to wear comfortable clothing and allow time for your session to run over without being worried about time constraints. I have an impeccable track record for helping my clients accomplish their goals. They call me the Brain Whisperer.

Hypnosis Zoom

What to Expect During A Rapid Resolution Therapy Session:

PART 1: The client sets the goal

PART 2: Question and Answer Session, I learn the mini-history of my client’s life related to their goal.

PART 3: Induction, the process of relaxing my client into the state of hypnosis, with an average time of 20 minutes.

PART 4: Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic method used within the state of hypnosis to “pinpoint” the limiting belief underlying the issue at hand. Once the limiting belief is changed, the unwanted symptoms go away!

Hypnosis by Zoom

Once my clients have resolved their reason for seeing me, they may find new goals to accomplish. I encourage my clients to build on their success and sign up for a follow-up session when working on a new exciting challenge. My follow-up session goal is to tweak the progress you have made in training your brain to be quiet from ruminating thoughts; And you will learn new techniques, which will help you with your goals and challenges! Each hypnotherapy session empowers the next, as my clients learn to relax more and quiet their brains, which instills their natural confidence.

Hypnotherapy via Zoom

Kelly Granite Hypnotherapist, B.A., CHt. is a California State University, Northridge graduate, and she is a Licensed and Certified Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner. Kelly trained with Dr. Jon Connelly, the founder of Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), the cutting-edge Hypnotherapy for Rapid Results. Kelly has also trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization, and Reprocessing (EMDR), and she is certified in Advanced Regression Hypnosis (NGH). Depending on her client’s goal, Kelly may use one or all of the above modalities in her Hypnotherapy Sessions.
Hypnotherapy Online : Kelly Granite Enck Hypnotherapist

Book Your Appointment for Hypnotherapy for Fears and Phobias directly on Kelly's calendar in your own time zone by clicking the “Book Now” button on Kelly's website: https://hypnosisbykellygranite.com/ 

Hypnotherapy for Fears and Phobias, Hypnosis for fears and phobias, Hypnosis online sessions
Hypnotherapy for Fears and Phobias, Hypnotherapy for Fears and Phobias Online Session,

Thursday, October 21, 2021

How to Quiet Your Mind: Silent Brain Training™

Silent Brain Training™

How to Quiet Your Mind


Kelly Granite works with severe cases of anxiety, trauma, panic attacks, and OCD as a Hypnotherapist. To help her clients overcome anxiety in a single session, she created Silent Brain Training™. The goal of Silent Brain Training is to transcend the inner voice, or what is also called ego, to reach pure consciousness, known as Silent Consciousness. Silent consciousness is a state of being, in which the mind is free from all thoughts, and inner dialogue, and one is fully engaged in the present moment. This state is also known as self-realization or pure consciousness, where one experiences the absolute truth of existence beyond the limitations of the ego and individual identity. The ego or individual identity is a construct of the mind, created by identification with thoughts, emotions, and external objects. Through self-inquiry, one can question the nature of the self and discover that it is not limited to these constructs but is instead pure consciousness. By focusing on this pure consciousness and letting go of all thoughts and attachments to the ego, one can enter into a state of silent consciousness.

There are two definitions of silence, the audio version of silence, when environmental noises are turned off, and the internal silence when the internal dialogue is turned off. To get to this state of true brain silence, you need to learn how to turn off this inner dialogue.

The brain loves to protest, judge, and build walls to protect itself, especially if there was an unjust event in early childhood. Clearing childhood or adult trauma is the first step toward calming the brain's response to those negative events. When the brain has been allowed to indulge itself with the behavior of running dialogue, no matter how big or how small the negative event, the mental and physical conditions get worse. Rumination is another name for internal dialogue, thoughts create emotions, feelings, and sensations that contribute to all suffering and illness.

90% of Brain Growth Happens Before Kindergarten. Incredibly, the brain doubles in size in the first year. The brain keeps growing to about 80% of adult size by age 3, and 90% nearly full-grown by age 5. The brain is the command center of the human body. The brain processes events from early childhood, and the brain is still using this data to prevent hurts from happening again, causing anxiety, all the way into our adulthood. We have thoughts stirring from events in early childhood, which is really the 5-year-old brain experiencing the world as if it is going to hurt us again. The early childhood brain tries to process events without the context that adults have, so even what adults would consider small events, can be processed and stored in the child's brain in a way that can cause distress and rumination throughout adult life.

The benefits of silence on the brain were studied at Duke University by a regenerative biologist, Imke Kirste. Rats were given pure silence for 2 hours a day over two weeks. The silence created new hypothalamus cells in the rat’s brain. The hypothalamus is important as it plays a significant role in the endocrine system. The hypothalamus maintains your body’s internal balance, which is known as homeostasis.

I have created a fun and effective approach to training the brain to be silent. After just one Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Session with Silent Brain Training (SBT), you will have the tools to live in the present moment, free from limiting beliefs, and free from childhood and adult trauma. The silent brain gives the body a break from the fight or flight autonomic nervous system response caused by repetitive negative thoughts. The Silent Brain allows you to live in the Present Moment, seeing to it that each step you take is ideally suited to the outcome you hope to achieve in the end.

Silent Brain Training (SBT) works for everyone, with lasting results. If you do the work, you will get the results! I taught this method to clients as young as 6 years old, up to age 92, with unbelievable results! I have had clients regain their hearing, recover from trauma immediately, fears vanish, intrusive thoughts disappear, and my clients discover their natural state of fearless existence. You have the power to create your Ideal Reality. If you are not creating your ideal state, then the Silent Brain Training (SBT) will help.

Negative Thoughts are not without power, they hold energy: Where do you think this negative energy is going? Anxious, Fearful, Worrying, and Anger Thoughts, put stress on your heart, and other organs. When you are in a state of anxiety, your brain is activating cortisol, as well as affecting your blood pressure, and other physical responses, you are scaring yourself, in an attempt to stop the past event from happening again. Thoughts do not stop things from happening, action does. When you are training your brain to stay present, you will need a very good To-Do List, I call my list "GET HAPPY". This list helps me break the habit of inner dialog and brings me back to the present moment question, who am I with right now, what am I doing?, which I immediately become absorbed at that moment, with no thoughts.

There is no help for the lazy, for there is no eternal resting place. Everything is energy, and everything seen and unseen in particle physics is seeking its best outcome with joy and vitality. All That Is,  also called, God is loving energy seeking its best outcome with joy and vitality, which is backed by Science. Our multidimensional reality allows our consciousness to move freely to create and recreate irrelevant time and space. When the data/thoughts in the brain tell you that you cannot do something, the brain is on silent, like you would your cell phone on an airplane, and take action. 

Silent Brain Training (SBT) goes beyond the state of temporary silence that you may have experienced during meditation, you will learn how to train the brain to stay silent during all activities. The brain can be trained to fully absorb whatever you are creating or doing. When you are in this state of "silent brain," there is no "Me or I" story, you are literally one with whatever you are creating, in the zone, in the flow, in the Present Moment.

Silence has the opposite effect on the brain compared to noise. While noise may cause stress and tension, silence releases tension in the brain and body. Scientists have discovered noticeable improvements in blood pressure and circulation in silent brains vs their noisy counterparts. Silence replenishes our cognitive resources. The tendency to ruminate is an indicator of susceptibility to developing the depressive disorder as it has been shown that rumination is a predictor of the onset of this condition (Nolan, Roberts, & Gotlib, 1998; Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000; Roberts, Gilboa, & Gotlib, 1998; Spasojević & Alloy, 2001). Rumination is the extended and unproductive analysis of one’s negative emotions, thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Rumination actually increases your negative emotions in a never-ending trap of increasingly negative thoughts and emotions. The irony is that ruminating does not lead to solving the issues you are ruminating about. Rumination ACTUALLY KEEPS you from taking action to solve the underlying problems.

Scientific literature has found differences, between ruminators and non-ruminators in how neurons fire between specific parts of the brain!! Science has further determined that the differences occur between parts of the brain that have developed functional roles during human evolution, so their performance is due to the environment. In other words, specific life experiences have programmed your brain to create negative thoughts. 

“You are not your thoughts.” Your thoughts are programmed by your experiences." 
~ Kelly Granite Enck

During your Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) ZOOM Session, you will master your brain using the Silent Brain Training (SBT technique and you will clear the root cause event of your anxiety. This is the beginning of a higher level of consciousness, to awaken to the fact that you are not your thoughts. So what are you, if you are not your thoughts? You are the gestalt of EVERYTHING, you have been for all of infinity, a personality, consciousness learning how to create more responsibly. All there is love, so creating experiences that are blissful for everyone to experience!

Book your 2-hour Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT)  Zoom Session with Kelly Granite, Hypnotherapist and Advanced Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner. Click the red Book Now button on Kelly's website: www.DoylestownHypnosis.com which will take you to Kelly's Calendar where you can pick a date and time, in your own time zone that works for you.  

Searches: How to reach Silent Consciousness, How to quiet your mind, how to stop overthinking, how to control your mind,  silent brain training, hypnotherapy for mindfulness, How to quiet your mind, how to stop overthinking, how to control your mind,  silent brain training, Silent Consciousness Training, Benefits of Silent Brain Training.How to quiet your mind, How to stop Overthinking, Benefits of Silent Brain Training,  Hypnotherapy for Mindfulness

Monday, October 11, 2021

Benefits Silent Brain Training™

Silent Brain Training (SBT) Created by Hypnotherapist Kelly Granite Enck

Benefits Silent Brain Training™ 

By Kelly Granite, Clinical Hypnotist and Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Practitioner.

Silent Consciousness
Silent consciousness is a state of awareness devoid of reportable content. In this state, your mind is quiet, free from inner dialogue or "brain chatter." A silent brain, unencumbered by chatter, is fully present in the moment—a pinnacle of consciousness.

Monks have historically spent years in seclusion, meditating in caves, to achieve this state. However, you can attain it in just 21 days through Silent Brain Training, a method designed to transform your brain. With consistent practice, you can physically reshape your brain, enhancing its size, focus, and the thickness of the frontal cortex, which plays a key role in emotional regulation. By training your brain like a muscle for 21 days, you can achieve a deeper level of consciousness.

I developed Silent Brain Training to guide you on this journey.
Kelly Granite Enck, Hypnotherapist

  • Vedanta Philosophy: The Mandukya Upanishad identifies a fourth state of consciousness (Turiya), characterized by silence and the absence of mental content.
  • Yoga: Patanjali's Yoga Sutras emphasize meditative practices, including focusing on the inner sound of the mantra "OM," to access this silent state.
  • Zen Buddhism: Classical Zen teachings frequently refer to a state of awareness free from reportable content, achieved through meditative practice.

Silent consciousness is also referenced in Western, Middle Eastern, and shamanic traditions, demonstrating its cross-cultural significance in exploring the nature of the mind and awareness.

I have worked with severe cases of anxiety, trauma, panic attacks, and OCD as a Rapid Resolution Therapy Practitioner and Hypnotherapist. To help my clients overcome anxiety in a single session, I created Silent Brain Training (SBT). My goal with SBT is to transcend the inner voice—often referred to as the ego—and reach pure consciousness, which I call Silent Consciousness. Silent consciousness is a state of being where my mind is free from thoughts and inner dialogue, fully engaged in the present moment. This state, also referred to as self-realization or pure consciousness, allows me to experience the absolute truth of existence beyond the limitations of the ego and individual identity.

The ego, or individual identity, is a construct of the mind created by identification with thoughts, emotions, and external objects. Through self-inquiry, one can question the nature of the self and discover that it is not limited to these constructs but is instead pure consciousness. By focusing on this pure consciousness and letting go of thoughts and attachments to the ego, one can enter a state of silent consciousness.

The Concept of "Brain Stillness"
"Brain Stillness" describes the state of no longer identifying with one's thoughts. You are not the thinker of the thoughts. The brain spontaneously generates thoughts, often creating emotions, feelings, and sensations that contribute to suffering. Past experiences may store data in neural pathways, leading to negative thought patterns. While these events may not be consciously recalled, the data remains until cleared by disengaging from the thoughts. Avoiding the neural pathways causing negative thoughts diminishes the associated negative emotions, feelings, and sensations. This process physically changes the brain, increasing its capacity and reducing the production of stress hormones like cortisol.

We are not the data that creates thoughts, nor are we the thoughts themselves. Instead, we are electromagnetic fields of infinite potentiality, obstructed by the distraction of thoughts. Engaging with thoughts that create negative emotions and sensations limits our potential. Thoughts hypnotize us into believing in the illusion of a separate self that needs protection, but in truth, this engagement is the source of our struggles—like a dog chasing its tail.

Silent Brain Training: Reclaiming Inner Stillness
The brain tends to resist. Training it to be still and stop its constant "rumination" is key. Thoughts shape the experience of being either a victim of external circumstances or the creator of one’s reality. All suffering ends when we stop engaging with the brain's data, which generates these thoughts. Life becomes a magical matrix of creation where we learn to take responsibility for our realities.

When the mind reaches a state of stillness, every action aligns with our desired outcomes. In this mode—called mindfulness or creation mode—we pursue the best outcomes with joy and vitality. In contrast, reactor mode, characterized by rumination, disconnects us from this creative power. Love lies at the root of all creation. At the heart of trauma, PTSD, guilt, or pain is the human need for love. Guilt, for example, reflects a lack of self-love. Recognizing this distinction allows individuals to step out of cycles of negative self-dialogue and into empowerment.

The Path to Silent Consciousness
Silent consciousness requires releasing identification with thoughts and engaging in the present moment. Dr. David R. Hawkins refers to this state as the "final run to enlightenment," where silence leads to liberation. Classical Buddhist traditions describe this mental stillness as freedom from destructive emotions like anger, greed, or hyperactivity. The metaphor of a still lake clarifies this concept: in a calm lake, ripples from a single stone are visible; in a turbulent one, they are lost in the chaos. Similarly, when the mind is still, clarity emerges.

Meditative traditions, such as Buddhist and Zen practices, emphasize achieving inner stillness through stages of focus and attention. These practices encourage nondual awareness, where distinctions between self and other dissolve, and one experiences unity with existence. This ultimate state of mindfulness, called "open presence," transcends space and time, embodying pure consciousness.

Practical Steps to Transformation
Silent Brain Training combines Rapid Resolution Therapy with techniques to quiet the mind and achieve brain stillness. The process includes identifying and releasing limiting beliefs, which shape our reality. By focusing on the present and understanding that thoughts are transient data, individuals learn to create a fulfilling life, free from the constraints of ego-driven thinking.

For those seeking to live fully awakened in the present, resources such as The Nature of Personal Reality by Seth provide valuable insights. Through self-inquiry and mindful practice, individuals can reclaim their power as conscious creators, shaping reality with intention.

Book Your Session
Experience the transformative power of Rapid Resolution Therapy with Silent Brain Training. Sessions are conducted via Zoom and include personalized techniques for achieving inner stillness and self-realization. Book your session today and begin your journey to becoming the director of your reality.

 Silent Brain Training . 

Searches: The brain on silent: How to Quiet the Mind, Define Silent Consciousness, How to stop overthinking. How to reach silent consciousness, how to have a quiet mind. How to reach enlightenment, how to stop overthinking, how to quiet the mind. The Brain on Silent, How to silence your mind, How to stop overthinking, How to reach Buddhist Silent Consciousness, How to have a quiet mind. The Brain on Silent, The Science Behind a Silent Brain, How to get a silent brain during meditation, how to train the brain to be silent

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Hypnotherapy for Sports

Top Rated Hypnotherapist Kelly GraniteHypnotherapy for Sports

Achieve the winning edge in your sport with Kelly Granite, Certified Hypnotherapist and Rapid Resolution Therapy® Practitioner. Whether you're an elite athlete or a passionate amateur, the mental game is as crucial as physical training. Kelly’s unique approach combines the science-backed power of Rapid Resolution Therapy® (RRT) with Silent Brain Training™ to help you master your mind, eliminate mental blocks, and unlock your full potential. With her guidance, you’ll overcome performance anxiety, self-doubt, and distractions, gaining the focus and confidence needed to excel.

Silent Brain Training™ is a groundbreaking method developed by Kelly Granite Enck to cultivate a quiet, focused mind free from mental chatter. By accessing this state of silent consciousness, athletes can perform at their best under pressure, remaining calm and centered in the most challenging moments. This training not only improves performance on the field, court, or course but also enhances your ability to recover from setbacks, maintain motivation, and foster mental resilience.

As a top-rated clinical hypnotist in Seattle, Kelly’s tailored sessions are designed to help you remove subconscious patterns that hinder success. Rapid Resolution Therapy® works to clear emotional and mental obstacles in just one session, allowing you to reprogram your mind for peak performance and a winning mindset. Kelly’s clients report immediate, lasting results, including heightened focus, improved concentration, and enhanced confidence in their abilities.

Whether you're preparing for competition, recovering from a slump, or striving to break through your personal bests, Kelly Granite's expertise can help you achieve your sports performance goals. With sessions available in her Seattle office or online via Zoom, you can take the next step toward mastering your mind and your game, no matter where you are. Experience the transformative power of hypnotherapy for sports and unlock your potential today! Visit www.DoylestownHypnosis.com to book your session.

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How to Create Your Ideal Reality

  How to Create Your Ideal Reality : by Kelly Granite Enck, Hypnotherapist Introduction: Dive into the fascinating blend of quantum physics...